We Are Auto Motivated

Our Services

  • Vehicle Servicing

    From a fluid top up to a oil and filter change or even a full service, we have you covered!

  • Tyre Fitting

    We can offer you a wide range of Budget to Premium Tyres fitted

  • Vehicle Cleaning

    We offer a free Wash & Hoover to all cars Serviced but can also offer a Wash & Hoover independently

  • Alloy Gator

    Wheel Protectors are a highly engineered, robust wheel protector designed to take the impact of kerbing and driving over potholes.

  • Air-Con Service

    Maintain your car's air conditioning system with the air conditioning service from Central Motors

  • Diag Plug in

    We can offer a vehicle plug in for checking a vehicle's systems and components to help identify issues and rectify them.

“Why spend more on the same service

When you could just simply save!”